Today begins the Ultimate Blog Party. The party is over at 5 Minutes for Mom's place . This is a great way to get your blog "out there" in the great blogosphere. If you are a home business owner, think about the potential viewers (who may become customers). This is an opportunity not to be missed!
All you have to do is write a post and mention the party (with a link, please) within your post, or put a button on your site like I did. Then, hop over to 5 minutes for mom and leave your link on Mr. Linky. Check out some of the great blogs and leave some comments. You may win a prize!
But before you do that, leave a comment here. Tell us the name of your blog and the title of that days post . Double the exposure!
See my blog post at the bottom.Reading blogs has been found to be extremely addicting. There is no known cure for this addiction, short of smashing your computer to smithereens! So if you have somewhere to be on the day you decide to do this, make sure you set your timer - other wise you won't be there!
Is this a blessing or a curse?
Last Saturday, my daughter and I went to visit my mom & uncle for the day. My sis from VA was there, so that was cool. My mom made spaghetti, one of my faves. It had italian sausage! I asked mom if maybe it was turkey sausage. I have had some I like, some I don't. It was in fact turkey sausage. I just DID NOT like the taste. Sunday, I was not feeling well at all- vomited twice, slept for 3 hours in the afternoon.
If you know me, I don't believe in getting sick (or sleeping). I had a flu shot about 10 years ago. I got VERY ill! That was the first time I had the flu in around 20 years. This time wasn't too bad. For the last few days I have felt good, then suddenly feel kind of nauseous for a sec then it's gone.
Wednesday, my daughter headed off to school. I was having a BAD morning. I was trying to add a sentence or two to a profile page I have on a social networking site. It would not let me, saying I was over the 4,000 word limit. I HAD to have this done NOW as all of my advertising I had been doing on this site linked to this page. I was like starting to cry! Tears were threatening to spill from my eyes! I was sooooo frustrated!
All of the information about the AmeriPlan opportunity was on there. and it was unavailable! After about 1 1/2 hr - 2 hrs. , I said duh I know what to do! I went to my website, Come On Home and created a page with AmeriPlan info. I took the link to it off the sidebar of the site., as the site is for ALL home business owners. So you can only get to it with the link. So, I get that done and then go write a little blurb on the profile page about the redirect- with a link to the new info page.
Now what I failed to mention is my daughter had told me the night before that we had a concert this day also (who knew???) I had to wash her black pants, and I had no clue where her white shirt was. If she even still had it. If it's not stained.......and I have technical issues! Ahhhhh! I silently (I'll admit it) prayed for a wild raging snowstorm or something to cancel the concert. I mean, here it is, 1 p.m. and I hadn't even updated my ads yet! Or made a single prospecting call. Suddenly, the phone rings. The school. The daughter just barfed a couple of times. Can I come get her? Can I sure. I did feel awful :-) No concert for you, honey!
I thought I had it made. She will be wiped out and sleep, sleep, sleep. And I would post, post, post. NOT!
She was miserable and wanted me sitting right there by her- although she didn't want me touching her. So, I had to wait until she went to bed at 9 p.m.
Blessing or curse? All in all , I would say a blessing. I spent some time with my daughter that I might not have otherwise. Oftentimes, we both sit at the kitchen table with laptops- she playing her Club Penguin, me placing ads or blogging. Together, but....
The story continues....
Ron wakes up at 2 a.m. yesterday, runs to the bathroom and is upchucking. He's sick all day, so not only do I have my daughter home sick, but Ron. We ladies all know how a men with the flu acts-like death is at the door! Poor babies.
Now, this is between you & me. Thank God Ron doesn't know how to turn on the computer, much less know how to find this page! Ok, Ron finally drags himself out of the bathroom and sits in the livingroom. All of a sudden he gets up and goes in the master bathroom, off our bedroom. He starts hurling his guts out, and (I'm sorry I love ya honey) my daughter and I just happened to catch each others eye and we just started CRACKING UP! Do you see why I said don't tell him? Now we weren't laughing because the poor guy was sick- he just sounded funny! He was pretty sick-awwwww!
Blessing or curse? Neither for me- he was a pretty good patient. he slept alot and only asked for 2 glasses of Ginger Ale. But, I think being sick was a curse for him.
Now, we only have 2 more people here to get sick. Also, Little Man & Dad have been here a lot. Hope the little one doesn't get it.
Later that day.....

Obviously, the 17 year old wasn't affected by the flu-bug!
I checked this out. Seems really cool! I added my blog on there. Heres a link for you as well
I will def. bookmark your page and check it often, do the same for me?
stopping by from UBP to say "hi"
does not sound like fun times with that dreaded bug!
Oh I'm so sorry you have the bug visiting, hope the fun is over :) Thanks for keeping up with me, I always look forward to seeing your comments! I'll be following you as well. Have a great weekend!
Stopping in to visit all the party goer sites and follow when I can. Hope no more get sick at your house. Party On!
I am stopping by from The Ultimate Blog Party to check your blog out and say hello. We are in for a great week!
Check out my place for your chance to win a LeapFrog Tag Reading System. :)
The Divine Miss Mommy
This is my first blog party. I think I am addicted.
I love your blog and will be back often.
Stop by and see me.
I love your blog. This is my first blog party and I am loving it.
I have been a blog reader for years but only in the past couple of months have began to blog.
That same bug has been all over my town.
I love it!!!
Come by and visit anytime.
Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.
I am so loving the Ultimate Blog Party concept. It is allowing me to visit some many great and "new" sites, like yours, that I probably would have never found on my own. Thanks for participating. I invite you to swing by my site, The IE Mommy, to view my UBP post. Have a great one!
Oh, I loved the story... too funny..
I want to say something about the giant word CAUTION on your site.. If you could of told me that 2 months ago it would of been great. Now it is kind of late.
I am already addicted. Thanks!!
Have fun!
I just stopped by, blog hopping as part of UBP 2009. It is very nice to meet you. I have a blog at; It's a toddler learning blog. I'd love to have you for a visit! I am loving UBP! Have a magical day. I have a goal of trying to visit 150 blogs per day, whew! Let's hope the little one takes long naps for the next few days.
Hello there. Knocking on your door from the blog party. Hope you don’t mind.
Twitter: About Parenting
stopping by for the party from www.auntpamscloset here is my todays post link win a free pair of jeans
Happy UBP!!!
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