Oh baby, has it been HOT outside!

It's Friday again! Should I say yeh...or boo-hoo? I've been so busy working at home, homeschooling , computer issues and of course the new puppy that the week literally flew by again! That's good in some respects, but it again reinforces the passage of time....

Monday we took Little Man and the new puppy to the park. Little Man wanted to hold the leash and walk the dog. It was too cute!

We weighed Cosmo yesterday- he is 3 1/2 lbs!

Tuesday we took Ron to get his service vehicle for the new job- finally! Yeah! His new boss seems super nice and very organized. Since we are an hour from the shop, Ron will essentially work from home. Well, sort of. He's a diesel mechanic, so when a big rig breaks down on the road, he heads out and fixes them on the road. But the work orders and any other paperwork will be faxed from here. The boss even bought a brand new fax/scanner/printer/copier machine to set up here.

I don't know what happened to Wednesday......weird.

Yesterday the Princess, Cosmo and I went to my moms. She has a hot tub, so we hung out there, had some lunch then headed home around 3 p.m. I came home and attempted to do a little more work on the Internet.

Ok, now that I see my week laid out, I guess I didn't work all that hard this week! But that's the good thing about work at home...alot of it you can do when you want. I do a lot between 6 a.m.- 8 a.m.! Then I feed the animals, come in and do a little more....Then I can goof off a bit if I want, and go back to work later or not, as needed.

I found out the other day my cousin and BFF may have Cancer. She has what looks like Cancerous cysts on her ovaries and they have to go in and remove all female parts and possibly the appendix and maybe part of the small intestine. Chemo and such will depend on the biopsy results I guess. Her surgery is next Thursday, so if you are the praying sort, I would love if you would hold her up in prayer.

And of course, today is the day for Friday Fragments and Virtual Girls Night Out

Friday Fragments

Half-Past Kissin' Time

I honestly can't think of a fragment right now. Usually I write them down as I think of them, but this week all of my fragments became paragraphs!

The only fragment I can come up with is " oh baby, has  it been HOT outside!"

So I guess I'll just go party with Ann and the gals and do a little blog hopping. Maybe by next week I'll be back to my usual fragmented self!


Hope you'all have a safe and happy Memorial Day.

And if you serve or have served our country, thanks!