A few blogs to check out!

A couple of friends I have met through my online pursuits have recently started new blogs.

Check them out:

Mama with Alzheimer's: http://mamawithalzheimers.blogspot.com/

The author of this blog has (obviously) gone through some challenging times times with her mom.

Doing what you love! http://lisabcarter.blogspot.com/

Lisa makes beautiful quilts, pocketbooks & more.

Check them out!

Wildred The Caregiver : http://wildredthecaregiver.com/

Wildred is a home entrepreneur and caregiver to her mom. She has a lot to offer on both subjects.

And there you have it- three new blogs to check out...

So hop on over and give these "newbies' some bloggy love!




Lady Leo said...

Hi there!

New Follower here from Social Moms ;D Would love the follow back.

My blog: http://angiedoula.blogspot.com
My business: http://www.facebook.com/doulaville
My project: http://www.facebook.com/MyDoulaDirectory
My twitter: http://twitter.com/angiedoula

Karo said...

Following you from Social moms. Please follow back at http:///www.someonesmom.net