I'm headed for Texas!

Yee-haw, I'm headed for Texas! My company has a champion's weekend in February. I will finally get to meet all of these people that I talk to on the phone all the time. It all happened because of this blog. I sent the link to my mother & sister, forgetting they can see my other blogs. In my other blog, "I wanna talk about me", I tell about my tumor in the summer of 2006 and how I need to do some thing, live a little. You never know how much time you have. Which is one reason why I chose a home business. I don't want to waste 8 hours of my day making someone else wealthy. I want to be paid for the work I do, and still be home with the kids and animals. Anyway, back to the subject at hand: At the end of the other blog, I said if I did not do something, go to Colorado to my cousins, or Virginia to my sisters in the next year, kick me in the derrier. Anyway, Mom & my sister both write back asking where we're going . I again had another year fly by without doing anything exciting. So, I wrote back to them & said I would love it if they would accompany me to Texas for Champion's weekend. I'm too chicken to travel alone- I told my sis God know's where I would end up? She's a seasoned traveler-I've flown once & it was a short flight, and I was with co-workers. If we got lost, I had company! Anyway, I just got an email from my mom. She already has some money saved up & she's planning on going! Holy cow! Yikes! Now I need to promote so maybe I can walk across the stage & accept an award!