My outdoor office

Wow! I'm sitting outside in what I call my "outdoor office". It's a spot I've been working on for the 9 years we have lived here. Before we built here, there was all woods. It had been farm land years earlier. In the first years, we were pulling out trees and stumps with Ron's van! Ron finally got every man's dream, a tractor! Our yard was also loaded with boulders and rocks. We have changed our landscaping with rocks and flowers numerous times over the years.

Last year, I decided I wanted an "outdoor office"-somewhere to go and hang outside and work. I got wireless Internet on my laptop, and it's been a work in progress since. When you enter the area, there is an archway made from branches- it's pretty cool! I will try to get a good pic of it later. You go through that onto a pathway that has plants on either side. The path was a work in progress. I was working on a flat rock walkway, but honestly, we didn't have enough rocks that were flat, or enough time!

Along the left side of the walkway was a wall made of branches. Every now & then it needed some maintenance, but not much. It was very cool there on a hot day. A few years back, there was a hurricane down south. We had bad, bad winds. My wood wall & everything held strong! The next little wind we had, it blew down. I was having my surgery that summer and never fixed it. So now it's just flowers!

The pic is of the "main" garden area-there are 4 areas here in my office that have flowers. My space is pretty much still woods. We've taken a lot of the trees out, so there's some sun. To tell the truth, 1/2 of those flowers are fake- I mixed real and fake- alot cheaper, less time gardening, and I'll always have some color! It fooled my neighbor! She commented on my beautiful flowers! I add more to it every day or so.

That lattice work in the background will probably come out any day. On the other side of it is a small pond we put in, more flower beds, etc... I think I want to incorporate them together. Of couse, we had originally planned on building an "adult tree fort/office" overlooking the pond. It's still an option down the road!

Anyway, I'm just rambling on! It is 88 degrees out but here sitting in my outdoor office, it's quite a bit cooler. The mosquitos are an issue. I have on bug stuff/sunblock on. The bugs aren't getting on me, but they are flying about an inch away! Anyhoo- I am just amazed that I can sit here and run ads on the Internet, answer emails, and talk to people and I'm outside. I love working at home! In fact, I took the pics AND downloaded them while out here! You just got to love it. Although modern technology scares me, I am hooked! We had a thunder and lightening storm last night. When I woke up, my Internet didn't work! I swear my heart was in my throat! After 1/2 hour of boo-hooing, I remembered that sometimes after a storm, if I unplug the cable box for a minute or two, it resets itself and all's cool. It worked! Whew....

And now, time for a 1/2 hr relaxation before my daughter gets home!